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Never take for Granted,

the most important thing you have,

You, Your Awareness.


You are the sum of your Parts,

this "whole" is whom you conceive you Are.

Yet from this Perspective is it Truth?

Isn't this just a moment,

already "a reflection"

of the Past?

Practice is where we create Ourselves.

Rise, smile, shine in Self revelation!

No one else can (for you), it is your role.

It is your Awareness.

Practicing be-ing self Aware is the Journey.

Everything else is (more or less) along for the ride.

Changing, flowing smile of acceptance, humility, and appreciation begins

all over again

Like the breathing lungs, like the pulsing heart,

remembering the humbling majesty of Creation.

Returning to one's own bosom,


countless times,

like the tide of the sea ceaselessly caressing the shore


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